At SENTIENT, Love is Always in Style

En SENTIENTE, el amor siempre está de moda

By Roberto Martínez Romero

Hey fabulous fashionistas! 🌈 It’s that time of year again when rainbows are everywhere, love is in the air, and we get to celebrate something very close to our hearts—PRIDE! At SENTIENT, we believe in a world where every being is free from cruelty and oppression. Let’s dive into why we celebrate PRIDE and how we’re committed to celebrating diversity every single day.

Why We Celebrate PRIDE

Love and Equality for All

  • We believe in a world where love is love. We envision a future where equality reigns supreme, and everyone is free to express themselves without fear of judgment or discrimination. PRIDE is a powerful reminder of the progress we’ve made and the work still left to do.

Free from Cruelty and Oppression

  • Just as we fight against the cruelty of traditional leather production, we also stand against any form of  oppression and discrimination. Every being deserves to live a life free from harm and full of love. That’s why our mission extends beyond fashion to advocate for a kinder, more inclusive world.

Our Journey with the LGBTQIA+ Community

Support and Upliftment

  • When SENTIENT was just an emerging brand, the LGBTQIA+ community was there for us, supporting and uplifting us. Their love and acceptance helped us grow into the brand we are today. We owe so much to this incredible community, and celebrating PRIDE to give visibility and amplify the fight for equality is just one of our ways of giving back and showing our gratitude.

Celebrating Diversity Every Day

  • Diversity isn’t just a buzzword for us; it’s at the core of everything we do. Our team is a beautiful mosaic of different backgrounds, identities, and experiences. We know that our strength lies in our diversity, and we celebrate it every single day—not just during PRIDE month.

Proud Products for Proud People

Fashion for Everyone

  • Our products are designed to be enjoyed, worn, and shown off by everyone. Whether you’re marching in a PRIDE parade, hitting the town, or just living your best life, our bags and accessories are there to add a touch of fabulous to your style. 

A Future of Love and Equality

Continuing the Fight

  • PRIDE is a celebration, but it’s also a call to action. We’re committed to continuing the fight for equality and justice. We’ll keep standing up against cruelty, whether it’s in the fashion industry or the wider world. Together, we can create a future where love and kindness prevail.

Supporting the Community

  • We’re not just here for the party (though we love a good celebration!). We’re here for the long haul, supporting the LGBTQIA+ community in tangible ways. From partnerships with LGBTQIA+ organizations when the opportunity presents, fair representation, to creating safe spaces for all, we’re dedicated to making a real difference.If you have ideas or suggestions, hit us with a DM on IG or an email to

Join Us in Celebrating PRIDE

So, grab your favorite SENTIENT bag, throw on your most fun outfit, and join us in celebrating PRIDE. Let’s honor the past, embrace the present, and fight for a future where everyone is free to be themselves. Because at SENTIENT, we believe that love is always in style. Happy PRIDE, everyone! 🌈